
Lata doświadczenia w IT

Koncentruje się na projektowaniu architektury oprogramowania, zarządzaniu i rozwijaniu usług internetowych i backendowych.



Laravel, Symfony, PHP, XML, XSLT, HTML, CSS, skrypty bash, SVN, GIT, MYSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, Apache, NGINX, PHP-FPM, Docker…



Usługi sieciowe i backendowe w zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych produktach SAAS lub Enterprise...

Ponad 21 lat doświadczenia skupionego na projektowaniu architektury oprogramowania, zarządzaniu i rozwijaniu usług internetowych i backendowych w produktach zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych. Z sukcesem zbudowałem wiele projektów od podstaw i byłem odpowiedzialny za architekturę systemu i rozwój, badania, wdrożenia, kierowanie zespołem i budowanie zespołu. Mam doświadczenie z dużymi, podzielonymi na fragmenty bazami danych i dużym ruchem.

  • Stanowiska
  • CTO
  • Software Architect
  • IT Manager
  • Team Leader
  • IT Supervisor team - focused on internal systems
  • IT Coordinator - focused on core systems in international company
  • PHP Developer
  • Web Application Developer
  • Consultant for wp.pl email, wp.pl games, webpark and Spik messenger
  • Projekty
  • REST API based on Laravel framework (JWT auth, oAuth)
  • creating, building and developing app for marketing automation ads on social networks like Facebook and Google
  • creating website builder for ads automation in specific industries
  • maintaining existing code in tracking, affiliate and website creator systems
  • maintaining and developing Intranet internal system
  • creating, building, maintaining and developing "Email Marketing" system including support panels, microservices, payments, reports, queue system, relational databases and much more
  • MYSQL sharding
  • creating, building, maintaining and developing "Transactional Emails" system
  • implementing PHP based frameworks for developers including custom framework (MVC) based on XSLT-XML-PHP technology, used as core framework in systems
  • implementing Laravel framework for developers
  • Deployment (CI/CD via BitBucket and GitLab)
  • managing VPS servers: Nginx, Mysql, Redis, supervisord, rabbitMQ
  • creating billing system from scratch based on Braintree including subscriptions, balance, discounts, recurring, invoices etc
  • creating affiliate systems
  • creating Docker environment for whole IT teams
  • creating new Ads manager system from scratch (core application, databases, cache, servers etc), creating dev team, building services and whole environment, creating IT processes including testing, code review, CD/CI and much more
  • refactoring REST API, rebuilding LiveWebinar.com, manage dev environment (Docker) creating new webinar system from scratch wecatchup.com (core application, databases, cache etc). creating dev team, creating IT processes including testing, code review, CD/CI and much more
  • Technologie
  • PHP, XML, XSLT (XSLT Transformation), HTML, CSS, bash scripts
  • Ceph, Amazon S3 storage
  • Apache, NGINX, PHP-FPM
  • Laravel framework
  • private "SXF" framework based on XSLT transformation for views, used Illuminate and Symfony components
  • asynchronous programming (web, backend)
  • SVN, GIT
  • Docker as a development environment
  • Zero Downtime Deployment
  • GitLab, BitBucket for Continuous Integration
  • Jira, Trello
  • Postman
  • Środowisko pracy
  • macOS, Linux
  • PhpStorm, TextMate, Visual Studio Code
  • Docker
  • Command line

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